This is me, these are a few of my unique tools I use to work with you to achieve your goals.
I was working with a little girl who was experiencing stress, depression and didn't know how to handle it. During our session she shared that he step father was super controlling and she never felt like she could relax.
I asked her if she felt like coloring inside the lines was a good word picture for how controlled she felt by her step father.
She colored this trauma sheet and after sharing with me how she felt, I suggested that she turn the page over, We talked about the beautiful picture she created with out the lines on this side, and maybe how the things he was suggesting were more like boundaries for her to stay safe. She was very excited to be able to look at him in a new light and gave me permission to share her artwork. Anonymously of course. This simple coloring sheet empowered her to change her persception when nothing else worked for her. This was one session!
Cheryl Myers LCDC Substance Abuse Counselor, Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs for individuals and families
Serving Locally Columbus, La Grange, Fayettville, Halletsville, Katy, Seally, Cat Springs, Brenham, Bellville, Smithville, Bastrop, Austin,Moulton,Shiner,Sublime,Yoakum,San Antonio,El Campo, Wallis and all of Texas. 832.607.7221